Elizabeth Replacement Windows & Doors
Once you go for replacing your old window, few points to be considered that how you would like your new replacement windows to open.
- There are windows that open with the use of a crank and windows that slide up and down on the sashes.
- Many modern replacement windows can swing open from the top inwards to allow for easy cleaning.
- Double hung windows are the most popular, with a top and bottom panel.
- Both panels should be able to slide up and down.
- Casement windows are some of the most energy-efficient windows available. They have a ventilating style and are very easy to open

Replacement Windows Elizabeth PROFESSIONALLY INSTALLED
For the most energy efficient windows in Elizabeth NJ, you can’t go wrong with Window Gallery’s Windows.
- Windows are installed cleanly and correctly
- Window is installed square
- Proper Insulation and operate properly
- Interior trim is even and corners are tight
- Walls around windows show no damage
- Sealant is evenly applied on the exterior
- And Finally, We make Sure That All project debris is picked up and removed from job site
We also have windows that can withstand sustained wind speeds of over 180 mph. Residential Properties — Our team will help you choose the best framing and series options for your project. Commercial Properties — office buildings, restaurants, retail centers, and more.
Elizabeth Building & Permit Department
The Department issues permits for residential, commercial and industrial construction and certificates of approval and occupancy.
Ana Alves
Raywant Sarran
Construction – Rm. 401
50 Winfield Scott Plaza
Elizabeth, NJ 07201
603 Kennedy Blvd. North Bergen, NJ 07047 | 201-866-1987
Contact us with any questions or requests at the
number listed above, or using the Contact Us Form.